What is Full Throttle?

We are in the middle of a dynamic decade of change in the way we get from here to there. Companies and countries are at Full Throttle making these changes. It’s the move to electric vehicles that someday will be autonomous and driving us around. Reusable rockets are here and taking us to space more often. There are private astronauts and plans to return to the Moon before going on to Mars. Supersonic jets are making a comeback as aviation continues to expand. I call it the Transportation Transformation.

About David Kerley

During the last part of my 16 years at ABC News I was the Senior Transportation Correspondent. I used to like to say I covered planes, trains, automobiles and space. I still am as I watch those dramatic changes underway today.

I have been a journalist for my entire career. I spent the first part of my more than four decades working in television markets including Chicago, Seattle, Boise, and Central California.


I started Full Throttle a year and a half ago and have found it to be fascinating and a lot of fun. Sometimes I write “on” the news- what is happening right now. Other times I explore something you may have never heard of. The goal is that each newsletter contains “one interesting thing” you didn’t know before you started reading.

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The Transportation Transformation. EVs- Space- Aviation. A decade of change.


Former ABC News Correspondent David Kerley writes about the dramatic shifts in transportation. Electric cars driving themselves-Private Astronauts- Moon to Mars- Supersonic jets. The Transportation Transformation.